What to Expect

Every Lord’s Day

(Sunday – Acts 20:7, Revelation 1:10)

We gather to worship; our worship consists of the five acts that you read about in the New Testament.

First, at 8:30, we gather for a period of Scripture reading, prayer, Scripture memorization and recitation of Bible facts. We use this time to take prayer requests, share information, and then enter into a time of prayer to our Lord, led by one of the elders, ministers or deacons. Additionally, we have learned tunes to many Bible verses and sing them together after a time of prayer.

From 9:00-9:45, we have Bible classes for all ages, as we have done for many years (2 Timothy 2:15).

At 10:00, we gather back together for a period of worship that usually lasts until around 11:30. One of the refreshing results that stemmed from the change of our worship schedule is that we are now able to devote more time to the Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:7). With this renewed focus on the Lord’s Supper, each Sunday an assigned man of the congregation leads us in a time of reflection on our Savior and His sacrifice on the cross for our sins. After he completes his comments, prays for the bread and the cup, which symbolize the body and blood of our Lord Jesus.

At the appropriate time we are led by the men of the congregation in prayer (1Timothy 2:1-8).

Another benefit of our additional time together during the morning worship, is that we have more time to sing hymns of praise to our Lord. The whole congregation (not just a group or choir) joins together in praising God in song without the use of musical instruments (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16).

The congregation hears lessons from the Bible (Acts 2:42; Romans 10:14), and each Christian contributes financially to the work of the church (1 Corinthians 16:2).

Wednesday Night Bible Study

We study from God’s word to build understanding and faith. The elders have set aside this time to allow the congregation time to study the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15) by meeting in the middle of the week and opening God’s word together. During these times we encourage each other (Hebrews 10:24-25), by helping each other maintain that Christian light (Matthew 5:16) to shine for others during our work week.

We try our best to reverence our Lord and give Him all the praise and glory as we worship together. Under the guidance of inspired Scripture we understand that worship is a service we provide to the Lord, not a service that we provide for ourselves, or use for our own glory and entertainment.

Join us for our next service!

Prayer Service

8:30 AM

Bible Class

9:00 AM

Worship Service

10:00 AM

Bible Study

6:30 PM